It can seem absolutely logical for a team to seek out add-ons to Trello. While the tool is beautiful in its simplicity, it lacks much of what professional teams — especially professional software development teams — need in order to ...

Release notes are a tiny but vital component of the release cycle. Release notes tend to be important because they form the core of the communications between product team & the other stakeholders. Apart from out of the box (but ...
Survey is a researching method used to collect data from a sample set or a group of individuals to gain insights on metrics related to a product. This technique has been widely used by marketing firms to understand the customer ...
Nowadays, even Youtube Advertisements are seen asking us questions regarding our experience using various products like cosmetic brands. I am a curious spirit when it comes to cosmetic products trending in the market and before making any purchase, I conduct ...
In this blog, I shall cover information on big data, analytics, it’s definitions, types and the type of output it generates after processing. You all must be wondering why we need analysis on big data and how the outcome adds ...
JIRA is an issue tracking system. It started as software for help desk and IT requests. Some of us who have been in the game since a long time remember Greenhopper – a third party plugin for JIRA that allowed ...
If we see through the hierarchy, a Scrum Master stand next to the Product Owner on almost every agile team. Scrum Master works as a servant leader while being considered to be the coach of the team as he/she ensures ...
From time to time, end users will have ideas or concepts for a new feature. The concept will be expressed as one or more feature items, and get added to a product backlog by the product owner. The team, working ...
I will explain Scrum, Kanban, and Agile in my answer since I’ve depended on these three the most in my professional career as a Project Management professional. Scrum Scrum is one of the Agile frameworks that have taken multiple industries ...
I am assuming by support projects, we are discussing the attending to and responding to customer support issues and incidents, or perhaps the deal of correcting defects in an IT world.Agile tools and ceremonies can be used in this environment ...