Testing is one of the critical phases in the software development cycle. The testing can be understood as a process where the users get hands-on experience on software in order to cross-check or test the requirements specified in the document ...
This term ‘Automation’ can be easily understood as any process with minimum human intervention. When we say minimum human intervention, what exactly do we mean? Is it really at the minimum scale or is it actually a toll on manual ...
Non-functional requirements, what comes to our mind when we talk about NFR (Non-functional requirements)? When we say non-functional we typically mean those requirements that are not related to the functionality of the system, then what exactly are these and why ...
The development of agile and the demand it’s putting on QA groups for quicker conveyance cycles is constraining numerous to supplant their more established, solid advancement models with a more streamlined process. In any case, unavoidable strategies, for example, manual testing, are ...
Can you think of a software delivery without or with very less Quality testing? If yes, then be prepared for a heated session with the client who himself is bound by the tight delivery timeline and the poorly tested module ...
A Business Analyst often finds himself/herself struggling to understand the job role he/she is expected to play. Many things have changed since the adoption of Agile methodology which is also a reason for the speculations on the future of Business ...
If you were to search ‘requirements elicitation cartoon’ in google images, you would see there are several cartoons that compare Requirements Elicitation to Torture. So why do people compare requirements elicitation to torture? After some research I have found that ...
I was surfing the internet and stumbled upon a book written by Gabriel A. Moreno and Paulo Merson on “Model-Driven Performance Analysis” (find link here). As the author describes the best approach to take towards designing a modal for a better performance tuning ...
When I started my career five years ago as an IT Analyst with UK based firm called Hedges Direct, the term was pretty new here in India which meant the opportunities were scarce and with a clear expectation of at ...